energy distribution coefficient 能量分配系数
energy loss coefficient 能量损失系数
energy-loss distribution 能量损失分布
absolute energy distribution 绝对能量分布
aditional energy loss 附加能量损失
Area of the useful signal energy distribution 有效信号能量分布空间
available energy loss 可用能损失
average energy loss per elementary charge of one same sign produced 形成每对离子平均损失的能量
average energy loss per ion pair formed 形成每对离子平均损失的能量
Boltzmann energy distribution law 玻耳兹曼能量分布律
broad-energy-distribution source 宽能分布源
Calculation and allocation of the distrib ution energy loss 网损计算与分摊
CCHP distribution energy system 冷热电联供分布式能源系统
characteristic of energy distribution 能量分布特性
charm quark radiative energy loss 粲夸克辐射能量损失
Choi-Williams energy distribution Choi-Williams能量分布
Closing Energy Distribution 合闸能量分配
Cold energy loss 跑冷